Daily Development for Thursday, November 11, 2004
by: Patrick A. Randolph, Jr.
Elmer F. Pierson Professor of Law
UMKC School of Law
Of Counsel: Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin Kansas City, Missouri dirt@umkc.edu
commission under a theory of quantum meruit where client negotiates a long-term
lease with a prospective buyer, even though the broker's listing agreement
addressed only a sale of the property in question.
Petrosky v. Peterson, 2004 WL 2239518 (Del. 2004).
Broker indicated to Owners that he had a prospective buyer of Owners’ property,
and the Owners agreed to enter into a 90-day exclusive listing agreement with
Broker. The agreement provided that the broker would be paid a commission of
five percent of the sales price. Thereafter, a prospective buyer made an offer
to purchase the property. The Owners rejected the initial offer, deciding
instead to make a counter-offer. After the counter-offer was rejected, the
parties decided to negotiate a long-term lease for the property rather than a
sale. According to the lease, Broker was to act as escrow agent through which
rent payments would be made. Broker and the Owners, however, could not agree on
the terms of a commission to be paid to Broker for helping to secure the
long-term lease for the Owners.
The trial court found that the lease only provided for a commission in the event
of a sale. Thus, the trial court held that, because a Delaware Real Estate
Commission regulation requires all listing agreements to be in writing, the
broker could not recover under a claim that the parties orally modified the
agreement, or under quantum meruit.
The Supreme Court of Delaware granted certiorari to consider whether a real
estate broker should be compensated for services performed in obtaining a
long-term lease when the broker's listing agreement addresses only a sale of the
property in question. The Supreme Court noted that Delaware Real Estate
Commission Rule 7.1.1 provides that "listing agreements for the rental, sale,
lease or exchange of real property, whether exclusive, co-exclusive or open
shall be in writing and shall be signed by the seller or Owner." The Court
acknowledged its previous holding in Eastern Commercial Realty Corp. v. Fusco,
654 A.2d 833 (Del. 1995), that an oral listing agreement was unenforceable
because it violated Rule 7.1.1 and the public policy underlying the rule. The
Court reiterated the public policy concerns that oral listing agreements can be
an unsafe practice and the requirement that listing agreements be in writing
helps to foster fair dealings between parties, standardize real estate practice,
prevent fraud and avoid litigation.
Here, however, the Court distinguished Fusco because in that case the broker did
not seek recovery under quantum meruit, a quasi-contract claim that allows a
party to recover the reasonable value of his or her services if: (1) the party
performed the services with the expectation that the recipient would pay for
them and (2) the recipient should have known that the party expected to be paid.
The Court went on to address other decisions that had considered whether a
quantum meruit claim may be maintained in the absence of a written listing
agreement. In Amato & Stella Assocs., Inc. v. Florida North Investments, Ltd.,
678 F. Supp. 445 (D.Del. 1988), for example, a federal court held that there
could be no recovery under quantum meruit, reasoning that allowing the plaintiff
broker to recover for services rendered, despite non-compliance with the written
listing agreement regulation, would significantly undercut the purpose and
intent of the regulation.
The Supreme Court nevertheless concluded that a broker could recover under
quantum meruit notwithstanding that there was no written listing agreement for
the transaction that was ultimately consummated – a long term lease. The Court
reasoned that Broker did not ignore the written listing agreement requirement
because he did in fact obtain a properly executed written listing agreement,
albeit for a sale rather than a long-term lease. Further, the Court reasoned
that the broker here in fact procured the prospective "buyer" during the term of
the agreement. Also, although the nature of the transaction shifted, the lease
still acknowledged that a commission was due to the broker. Finally, the Court
noted that the evidence adduced at trial indicated that Broker performed
services in procuring the tenant and negotiating the terms of the lease. Thus,
under these circumstances, the court held that it would not undercut the policy
embodied in Rule 7.1.1 to allow recovery for the reaso nable value of services
rendered, and accordingly remanded to the trial court to establish what
reasonable commission Broker was due.
Comment 1: Although the decision is very helpful to brokers because it departs
from prior authority and does award a quantum meruit recovery, the close reading
of the facts here suggests that the court is unlikely to apply the theory
generally in cases of unwritten listing agreements, as might be the case in
other jurisdictions.
Comment 2: Note that it is not uncommon for the parties to negotiate a “time
payment” arrangement for a brokerage commission when a long term lease is
involved, since the Owner is not going to get the reward of the broker’s effort
except over time, and in fact the reward isn’t even certain except over time. In
fact, the Owners offered to compensate the broker with a 5% commission - $35,000
- spread over five years. The $35,000 was the amount that the broker would have
received had the sellers sold the property. The broker agreed to the $35,000
amount, which the court comments is considerably lower than the “standard”
commission for a lease of the type the parties finally entered into, but the
Owners refused. Now it appears that they’ll pay a lump sum considerably larger
than that, although it’s still possible that the trial court, on remand, will
view a time payment arrangement as consistent with local practice and
Comment 3: The editor is somewhat puzzled why the quantum meruit arrangement is
even necessary. If the Owners entered into a long term lease during the period
of the listing agreement, didn’t they frustrate the broker’s opportunity to
realize a commission on the sale of the property? Most exclusive listing
agreements provide that a commission is payable under these circumstances. Even
without such language, some courts would view the lease as a violation of a
clearly implied term in the listing agreement that the seller not interfere with
the broker’s efforts to procure a sale of the property during the listing term.
Others might say that the client can terminate the agency any time and that the
broker’s only compensation, unless it can show that it had a buyer ready to buy,
would be compensation for expenses and efforts in trying to sell.
Comment 4: Be sure to compare: T.G. Slater & Sons, Inc. v. The Donald P. And
Patricia A. Brennan L.L.C., 2004 WL 2190099 (4th Cir. 9/30/04) (Virginia court
offers multiple alternatives for broker to escape problem that there is no
listing agreement and no stated commission in case involving multimillion dollar
property sale.)
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