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Welcome to the supplemental web page for DIRT - the Internet legal discussion group on for real estate professionals. If you are a real estate professional, we welcome your participation on the DIRT listserv.

The essence of DIRT is the Listserv - subscribers who join the list receive all messages posted by other subscribers. These messages contain matters of concern to real estate professionals. Each weekday the editor of DIRT posts a Daily Development - a summary of a recent case or other legal development. Usually the editor also contributes comments on the development intended to spur responses - pro, con and in between, from DIRT readers. If you join DIRT, you can expect messages every weekday on a variety of topics.

The message volume varies from one or two a day to as many as fifteen or so. Read those you want; delete those whose subject indicators suggest that they are of no interest to you. This Webpage will tell you how to join DIRT and give you some background about it. It also has the DIRT Archives, as described below. We hope that you find DIRT a helpful adjunct to your practice as a real estate professional.

DIRT was originally founded and edited by Patrick A. Randolph, Jr., Elmer F. Pierson Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, and received support from the American Bar Association's Section on Real Property, Trust and Estate Law and the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law.  In September 2012, an interim Editorial Board was assembled to ensure that DIRT would continue.  The Interim Board members - a very distinguished group of active DIRT participants - are:

 Dale A. Whitman (Chair), Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Missouri-Columbia

Roger Bernhardt (Secretary), Professor of Law, Golden Gate University, San Francisco

Jack P. Burton, Rodey Law Firm, Santa Fe

Morton P. Fisher, Ballard Spahr LLP, Baltimore

Robert S. Freedman, Carlton Fields PA, Tampa

R. Wilson Freyermuth, Professor of Law, University of Missouri-Columbia

Richard R. Goldberg, Ballard Spahr LLP, Philadelphia

Celeste M. Hammond, Professor of Law, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago

Robert J. Krapf, Richards, Layton & Finger, Wilmington

Bruce B. May, Jennings, Strouss & Salmon, PLC, Phoenix

Ira Meislik, Meislik & Meislik, Montclair

Patrick A. Randolph, Jr. (Editor Emeritus and Founder), Professor of Law, UMKC School of Law, Kansas City (deceased)

Patrick T. Sharkey, Jackson Walker LLP, Houston



DIRT is independent of any organization in terms of editorial content. Opinions expressed on DIRT are solely those of their authors. Information and opinions on DIRT do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon for making legal decisions. Decisions concerning legal matters should be reached with the benefit of a qualified attorney.